10015 4363 A touch of history Most charming Edwardian platinum gold precious stones flower basket …

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IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!! (4.27.11 – Day 727 …

Drunk Gaming: Portal 2: http://youtu.be/RcsbwgKFlQ0NEW SHIRTS, check em out! http://bit.ly/CTFxCstore they're super spectacular! Not following us on twitter? SHAME! click below… Charles' twitter: http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippyAlli's twitter: http://twitter.com/AlliSpeedDon't forget to LIKE us on http://www.facebook.com/InternetKilledTVOur Dailybooth pages:http://dailybooth.com/CharlesTrippyhttp://dailybooth.com/AlliSpeedOur iPhone/iPod/iPad app is FREE here:http://bit.ly/CTFxCapp

POKEMON GEEK! (4.25.11 – Day 725)

NEW SHIRTS, check em out! http://bit.ly/CTFxCstore they're super spectacular! Help give more ideas for the CTFxC shoe here: http://on.fb.me/DaShoes Not following us on twitter? SHAME! click below… Charles' twitter: http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippyAlli's twitter: http://twitter.com/AlliSpeedDon't forget to LIKE us on http://www.facebook.com/InternetKilledTVOur Dailybooth pages:http://dailybooth.com/CharlesTrippyhttp://dailybooth.com/AlliSpeedOur iPhone/iPod/iPad app is FREE here:http://bit.ly/CTFxCapp

DIRTAY GIRLS! (4.23.11 – Day 723)

NEW SHIRTS, check em out! http://bit.ly/CTFxCstore they're super spectacular! Not following us on twitter? SHAME! click below… Charles' twitter: http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippyAlli's twitter: http://twitter.com/AlliSpeedDon't forget to LIKE us on http://www.facebook.com/InternetKilledTVOur Dailybooth pages:http://dailybooth.com/CharlesTrippyhttp://dailybooth.com/AlliSpeedOur iPhone/iPod/iPad app is FREE here:http://bit.ly/CTFxCapp

KILLED BY A FLOWER!! (4.11.11 – Day 711)

NEW SHIRTS, check em out! http://bit.ly/CTFxCstore they're super spectacular! Not following us on twitter? SHAME! click below… Charles' twitter: http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippyAlli's twitter: http://twitter.com/AlliSpeedDon't forget to LIKE us on http://www.facebook.com/InternetKilledTVOur Dailybooth pages:http://dailybooth.com/CharlesTrippyhttp://dailybooth.com/AlliSpeedOur iPhone/iPod/iPad app is FREE here:http://bit.ly/CTFxCappanimated intro: http://youtube.com/cGXpotionoutro song: http://youtube.com/TheSurvivalTheory

RANCOR ATTACKS GIRL!! (4.21.11 – Day 721)

Drunk Gaming: Mortal Kombat: http://youtu.be/-2TsQNSB9d4How I made the corndogs: http://bit.ly/CornDoggityDog NEW SHIRTS, check em out! http://bit.ly/CTFxCstore they're super spectacular! Not following us on twitter? SHAME! click below… Charles' twitter: http://twitter.com/CharlesTrippyAlli's twitter: http://twitter.com/AlliSpeedDon't forget to LIKE us on http://www.facebook.com/InternetKilledTVOur Dailybooth pages:http://dailybooth.com/CharlesTrippyhttp://dailybooth.com/AlliSpeedOur iPhone/iPod/iPad app is FREE here:http://bit.ly/CTFxCapp