Lantian Jade's Profile And Origin


Lan Tianyu has shown signs in the name of “Han • Geography”, jade produced in the “Beijing North (now Xi’an North) Lam Mountain.”

Since then, the “Biography of the Later Han • woman martyr” Zhang Heng “Xijing fu” and “Guang Ya”, “Shui Jing Zhu” and “Yuanhe County Chi” and other ancient books, records are jade Lam. To the Ming Dynasty, Song should star in “Heavenly Creations” said: “The so-called Lam Tin, that Conglingxi (Kunlun Mountains) a jade alias, and then also mistakenly think that Xi’an is also the Lam.”

After the disputes arising from this world, and some said that Lam did not jade, jade, some might even say that Lai Yu (like leaves of jade green color). In recent years, Shaanxi geologists discovered in Lam Tin serpentinized marble jade, China gemstone wholesaler that it is the ancient records of Lan Tianyu (November 23, 1978 “People’s Daily”). This discovery not only led to the geological community to find bead importance of raw materials, but also aroused the interest archaeologists

In 1982, the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Geological Museum, displaying the original Lantian jade stone. This serpentinized strong, the local has become a jade with Xiuyu same. Jade in appearance, China jewelry supplier with yellow, light green and so uneven tone, and with light white marble. This jade Although not very beautiful, but because Lam is located near the ancient city of Xi’an, jade hardness of about 4, easy to process, so the ancients could use as decorations. In the Han Dynasty jade in two like today’s Lan Tianyu, a Han Wudi Mao Mausoleum in Shaanxi Province unearthed a large jade shop near the first door embedded in the tomb; The other is the National Palace Museum of Han Dynasty jade. From these two pieces of jade and jade color point of view, many geologists believe that with today’s Lan Tianyu similar. But it is really ancient Lan Tianyu, you need to be further examined.


Article Source : Lantian Jade's Profile And Origin : ArticleBase

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